Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Cikel predavanj Famnitovi Biološki večeri 2024/25.

Vabljeni na prvo letošnje predavanje "Should I stay or should I go? Seasonal space use of loggerhead sea turtle in the Adriatic sea",  ki ga bo izvedel Matic Jančič, UP FAMNT, v četrtek, 24. oktobra 2024, ob 19.00, prek videokonferenčne povezave ZOOM.  

Vabljeni, da se nam ponovno pridružite!


“Širok spekter tematik s področja aktualnih in aplikativnih raziskav biodiverzitete”


Ethnobiology of Wartime: Where Wild Plants are Crucial for Food Security

Sreda, 12. februar 2025, ob 19.00, ZOOM

About lecture:

Wild food plants (WFPs) have been an important source of human nutrition since ancient times, and they particularly revive when conventional food is not available due to emergency situations, such as natural disasters and conflicts. Nearly 60% of the Syrian population (12.4 million people) are food insecure due to the current war. The presentation focuses on the conflict’s effect on the use of WFPs and on what species are consumed by local people during the current crisis. The study docuemts 75 wild food plant species used for food and drink.

About lecturer:

Naji Sulaiman is an Assistant Professor of environmental and applied botany at the University of Gastronomic Sciences, Italy. As an ethnobotanist, his research primarily focuses on the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East regions. He has a PhD in Tropical Agrobiology and Bioresources Management from the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, where he also earned his Master’s degree in Tropical Crop Management and Ecology. He completed his Bachelor’s studies in Agricultural Engineering at Tishreen University in Latakia, Syria. In recent years, his research concentrated on the relationship between people and wild plants under turbulent and warfare conditions.